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About FTA

Sustainable Development Goals

Who We Are

Who We Are

The Federal Tax Authority is a government entity responsible for administering, collecting and enforcing federal taxes.
Why Have Taxes?

Why Have Taxes?

The introduction of taxes in the UAE is part of a GCC-wide initiative to diversify regional economies. Given the overall reduction in oil prices in recent years, it has been necessary for the GCC member states to explore other revenue raising measures and reduce dependency on hydrocarbons as the key contributor to the public purse. As a result, the GCC member states have agreed to sign unified framework agreements for the implementation of VAT and Excise taxes. Member states will also implement their own domestic legislation that will govern the introduction of these taxes.
Fta Strategy

FTA Strategy

Vision - A pioneering, world-class tax authority that supports sustainable financial diversification.
Mission - Collect and administer federal taxes, in addition to implementing tax regulations in accordance with high standards and international best practices, striving for innoVATion and efficiency, and focusing on stakeholders needs and customer expectations.
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Page last updated: : Dec 30, 2022
Number of hits : 60 hits